Heading into Memorial Day weekend and we are slowly but steady increasing our affiliate marketing numbers.
The real impact has been traffic exchange commissions and referrals, here is a snapshot of our inbox in the last 8 days and a picture of what TEProfit says your inbox could look like. Click the Images they get bigger so you can see the detail.
Super nice..right? We are pretty happy with those results; and with everything in affiliate marketing, growth is exponential. One key is joining exchanges that give free random referrals. So you just have to be active and then Poof, you get a referral. That’s like somebody dropping 2 minutes back into your life. For every hour that referral surfs, I need to surf like 2 minutes less. So if and when you get 30 referrals you are done surfing!!! As you can see there are two Traffic Hoopla sign ups which mean they will then signup under me in 10 other Exchanges. Yeaahhh Buddy!
The other good thing that’s always nice to know, is that we are doing things right in the beginning. When John Chow was asked what were his two biggest mistakes in blogging….His reply was:
1. Not having a mailing list in the beginning and
2. Using his name as the URL.
You can read his post here:
I think we got lucky because we started using TEProfit which uses Traffic Wave. Traffic Wave gives you the “Name” and “Email” bars you see on the left of this site. When you fill that out, and get the free E-books you also join our mailing list. BOOYAH!!
When we get someone to sign up and join our program – the conversion is not nearly as good as you would expect. So from our early post, we know that it takes roughly 1750 page views to get one sign up. That’s a lot of page views! That sign up starts to receive emails using Traffic Wave’s autoresponder, very similar to John Chow’s approach to marketing on Click bank. (You can read that here) The issue is that it takes over 20 sign ups to convert to one Affiliate member in Traffic Wave.
This means I need 35,000 Page Views!!
Thir….thir…..Thirty Five Freakin’ Thousand!!!
This is real. So I’m sure with any program the numbers are close to the same. This is why you can’t expect to make a million dollars overnight, but it’s also why you can’t quit. With no referrals my capture page is getting 3,500 views per week so I’m on track for one sign up every 10 weeks. But with referrals helping me surf, I’m getting about 4000 per week which equals: 8.75 weeks per sign-up. Our target is one per month so we can get the fastrack bonus!!HOW CAN WE IMPROVE?
So we have racked our brains on trying to improve those numbers. Blogging helps for sure. My last two signups have been through FTB Blogger blogs. One from this blog and one from the banner that we are running on TV Smack Talk. TV Smack talk has only been running for about 1 week and has gotten less then 300 hits but it’s an audience unfamiliar with online money so we were the first program they were exposed to. Sweet – we will take it!!! Then we use our friends on facebook. Instead of blasting a message to everyone, I see whose doing what and try and tailor the message, and of course there’s just some people you know who are looking for opportunity. If you get one person through networking every 8 weeks, along with the Traffic Exchange bringing in one every 8.75 weeks, you will reach your sign up goal of 1 per month (which is all that is needed to make five figures).
The good thing with TEProfits is that we can earn money not only though Traffic Wave, but also through Traffic Exchange Commissions, Ebook sales, and TEProfits. That’s why the book that you start off with is called “Stacked Income” because that’s exactly what you are doing.
If you have any ideas, suggestions or comments – let us know!
The FTB Bloggers
An FTB Bloggers blog
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