Sunday, April 11, 2010

Starting to see our Traffic Exchange Pay Off!!!

We are almost ready to reveal our study of Traffic Engines. We should know exactly how many pages surfed, and how many signups are gained as a result. We hope to have these posted by Good Friday, if not, we will get to it by Easter weekend.

We are starting to notice what is met by “Stacked Income”. That's the free book that you get when you sign up for TEProfits. I had all of the FTB bloggers read through it but we took it very loosely at first. Now we are starting to see the benefits and what is meant by multiple streams of income. As part of TEProfits they have you join Traffic Hoopla. Traffic Hoopla is a list of the most popular Traffic Exchanges and they let people sign up under you in each exchange. So every time someone signs up under you and upgrades you get as much as 50% of that money. Well check this out:

You can see, that in High hits I have 3 direct referrals. That's it, only 3. Those 3 people in my down line have gotten 7 people amongst them and they earn me surf credits and commissions of $22.00 so far! That’s nothing to sneeze at! They are upgrading every month and we are getting money from those upgrades. That money along with the Traffic Wave checks will be coming in every month!! Traffic Hoopla's goal is to get that kind of money and that kind of downline in all 20 of its listed top traffic exchanges. We are now starting to see the compilation of money coming from all aspects of the TEP Program. It’s the shzit when you really think about.

We have still been trying to review other programs and still haven't found anything that compares. We will only promote one program, but we are willing to report out on any good programs we find. Like we said before, we are sticking with this because it's a business and you wouldn't open up a business just to shut it down in a few months.

However, if someone else is truly running another program and would like to submit blog postings on their actual progress we would love that, or we could link to your blog. We will also run your banners; not in our Traffic Exchanges but in our blogs. Only open and honest, no embellishments of millions of dollars in 30 days!

In the mean time, Ebay is still our cash cow. We learned something recently, other stores can promote your ebay products sort of as their own. Here is an example.
This page has our entire inventory listed. It's like a page of our store. Unbelievable!
…and it’s run in multiple countries! That explains why we do a lot of selling overseas.

Ebay so far has been our front runner: Total Profits last week were $74.13 bring our Ebay total to: $606.47.


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