Thursday, August 12, 2010

Crazy for On-line Money - The $5 Deal

Contributing to this blog has come a lot easier now that I have realized that everyone is possibly struggling with the same s@#t that I am, trying to make money online. When you read all the reports everything is the same, over and over. It makes everything sound as easy as 1, 2, 3. If it was that easy, then everyone who set up a blog would be rich. It's tough work; that’s why Shoemoney can charge $497 for his program. At first I thought the ad said a $497 value. I was expecting to see a price of $19.99. NO! That s#$t is $497, homie!

Lesson number one of any program should tell you that in order to be successful at this online money game, you kinda, sorta, have to like doing this. Even if your goal is only to make money, you still have to like doing this, and being a little crazy helps. Why? Because for some period of time you will be blogging for 16 hits a week and 5 of those will be from you getting your post of the week format just right. Your Google Adsense totals for the month will be like $.08. Nowhere does anyone ever tell you it’s going to be this hard, but if you like it, then you don’t really care. If that $.08 was $.04 last month, then you have just doubled your money. So there are a lot of things that I’m learning and rather then share the successes I will just share everything.

One thing that I wouldn’t call a success but I would call an obsess. No, not an obsession but just something that is cool and has been helpful. It’s a site that you can use to get things done for $5.00. There are literally thousands of things that people will do for you for $5.00. When you are looking through all of the things you are amazed. "How can someone create a logo for my company for only $5.00!!!" "A banner for my blog for $5.00!!!" Then you realize that some of these people are all over the world. So $5.00 in NYC is not the same as $5.00 in India. If you are trying to get your promotion on then I advise seeing what fiverr has to offer. Skip your Starbucks (I know everyone uses that reference, but it’s sooo true).
For just $5.00 I got this Youtube video done for one of my CPA Lead Sites. This video, script read, exactly how I wanted delivered in a wmv file for only $5.00. Check it out.

Here is all the stuff I’ve ordered so far. I skipped a lot of coffees!!

Tips for ordering from
1. For any order there is no reason to choose someone who doesn’t have a positive feedback rating. There are enough people doing the same things, to find one that is highly rated.

2. If the task is something that an example can be provided for, then an example should be there. It only makes since.

3. Paying for someone to tweet you message is not that effective – work on getting your own Tweeps (Twitter talk for Peeps).

4. Getting 8,500 people to your facebook page – is worth it.

Good luck, I would love to hear about your personal experiences.

-An FTB Blogger
An FTB Blogger Blog

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